Cuisine turquoise élégante rénovée par Parlour Farm.

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In the kitchen there are some elements that you just can’t change no matter how hard you want to. But what you can do is to try a different approach and to see what the result would be. Today were going to take a look at this lovely kitchen. It’s located in a 19th century cottage in the heart of England and it ahs been recently renovated.

Stylish kitchen renovated4

The kitchen was renovated by Parlour Farm and the results are great. The designer that took care of that was Nick Grunfeld. Renovations are not always the same. Sometimes a renovation means some small changes like the curtains in the living room or a different paint on the walls. In this case, the renovation was complete. The furniture has been custom built and basically everything in there is new, from the cabinets to the handles and all the little details.

En savoir plus :  Les 10 meilleures idées de tableaux pour décorer votre cuisine : ravivez votre espace culinaire !
Stylish kitchen renovated4
Stylish kitchen renovated4
Stylish kitchen renovated4
Stylish kitchen renovated4

The new kitchen now includes modern amenities and lots of work space. Also, there’s plenty of storage space inside all those cabinets. Even though this is a very modern kitchen, it still seems a little vintage and traditional. That’s mostly because of the color. That light turquoise tone would make anything seem vintage. The kitchen also has an original feel to it. It’s beautiful, clean, airy, spacious and very inviting.

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