Cuisine en granit de Vérone

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Granite has become a very popular material n the kitchens. It’s mostly used for table tops because it’s very resistant and it doesn’t scratch easily. Even if it does, it still looks good, unlike the wood or glass. But granite is not used just for table tops but also for other pieces as well. There are also sinks made of granite and even cabinets. In fact, today we’re going to present you an entire kitchen made of granite.

Granite Kitchen verona3

It’s called Verona and it’s a very classy kitchen design. Almost everything is made of granite. As you can imagine, it’s a very sturdy design, resilient to almost everything and beautiful-looking too. If you have at least one granite piece in your home then you know hoe heavy it is. So getting this furniture into your kitchen and putting it in place will not be a piece of cake but hopefully you’ll only need to do this one and then you can relax and enjoy your new kitchen.

En savoir plus :  Les tendances de décoration de cuisine pour les appartements en 2015 : Comment donner une nouvelle vie à votre espace
Granite Kitchen verona3
Granite Kitchen verona3
Granite Kitchen verona3

Verone features a combination of a sink, cooking place and storage areas, all in one big unit. There are also shelves and dividers between these areas. Separated from this unit, there’s also a kitchen island that you can use for cooking or as a bar. This is definitely a serious kitchen and a good investment.Available on neolith.

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