Conceptions de cuisine vintage du groupe Marchi

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Usually, when you inspect places in a hope to find the perfect home, there are some standards that we all have. For example, the kitchen has to be large , airy and usually modern. The size is not something that we argue about because this rooms needs to be large enough to allow us to comfortable work there. However, some people prefer something a little more vintage instead of modern. There’s something about this style that can’t be defined and yet it’s there. Let’s take a look at some ideas from Marchi Group related to vintage kitchens.

Marchicucine kitchen 1956 picture5

We have here two concepts: Loft and 1956. These are the names of the kitchens. They are both equally beautiful although different. They feature a retro interior and some old-school appeal that you can’t really recreate in modern kitchens. The 1956 kitchen feature a country-chic design. It has cream finishes and floating cabinets and shelves. They provide useful and practical storage space and they also help keep the kitchen lean and organized.

En savoir plus :  La credence decorative : l'élément essentiel pour sublimer votre cuisine grise
Marchicucine kitchen 1956 picture5
Marchicucine kitchen 1956 picture5
Marchicucine kitchen 1956 picture5
Marchicucine kitchen 1956 picture5
Marchicucine kitchen 1956 picture5

The Loft kitchen from Marchi has a different feel, a little more industrial. It’s still a traditional kitchen but with pastel teal colors and a series of steel fixtures such as the hood and the steel appliances. As you can see there is no standard range of materials to create a vintage look for your kitchen. It’s all about the way you use them and all the little details that bring everything together.

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